Calories burned while walking, using crutches

Find out how calories you would burn while walking, using crutches

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Understanding how many calories are burned while walking, using crutches

Example: If Melinda worked out while walking, using crutches for 65 minutes and she weighed 162 pounds, Melinda would burn 419 calories.

How many calories do you burn while walking, using crutches?

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand, it is important to keep burning calories to lose weight. This calculator lists dozens of exercises that can tell you calories burned per activity, using your weight and exercise duration.

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Comments & Reviews (2)

Results 1 - 2 of about 2
Anonymous - January 19, 2018 2:04 AM loading image Abuse  | Reply
Calorie Counter Profile picture

I think it would depend on the user and their tools. Someone with a pair of underarm crutches who has no experience using them - and potentially poor upper body strength - will have different results to an experienced user with a pair of high tech carbon fibre forearm crutches.

Anonymous - October 23, 2015 5:33 PM loading image Abuse  | Reply
Calorie Counter Profile picture

I question the calorie burn for walking on crutches. I'm using many of the same muscles required for climbing a steep incline (scrambling). If I am weightlifting, most of the calorie burn occurs while resting afterwards. Could that be the case with walking on crutches, since you are continuously lifting your own body weight?

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