Its fast, its easy, its 100% FREE
Losing weight has never been simpler!
Your Daily Journal
A Daily Journal is offered to help keep you on track and motivated. Take notes on
your day’s activities, write down your thoughts on a particular exercise,
or keep track of your overall dietary goal.
We use the latest Text Editing software (ckeditor) to make entries as unique as
possible. You have several editing options that will help personalize your entries.
You can keep your journal private or share your latest journal entry with the community.
Your Journal Library
Your past journal entries are listed within your journal library for quick reference.
Load an entry from the past to edit or remove it all together.
Don't have an account yet? - Join Now!
Matthews Calorie Counter is 100% FREE. Join now and take advantage of these exciting
Support Groups
Support Groups are specially tailored for families and friends that are all dieting together. Share each other’s Food and Exercise Libraries, personal and group progress.
Goal Picture System
Upload two pictures which will be used to display when you’re within your Daily Calorie Limit and when you go over. This quick visual system will help keep you motivated and on track.
Weigh In Chart
Our Weigh In chart will give you an overall picture of your weight loss at each weigh in date. This will allow you to visualize your diet trends and overall progress.
Diet History Tracker
Everything you eat, every exercise, every pound lost is stored so you can see your progress over time. Visit the History Tracker page to view what you ate and did months ago.
...and much more!
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The material appearing on is for entertainment use only and should not be used
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© 2008-2011, Matthews Calorie Counter™, First Century Thinking LLC, All Rights Reserved.