Example: If Daniel worked out doing calisthenics, home, light/moderate effort for 40 minutes and he weighed 245 pounds, Daniel would burn 273 calories.
Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand, it is important to keep burning calories to lose weight. This calculator lists dozens of exercises that can tell you calories burned per activity, using your weight and exercise duration. We are always adding more ways to calculate calories burned and exercises to our activity list so that you can find the best exercises that match your weight loss goals. Mathews Calorie Counter also contains an Exercise Calculator located within your Exercise Log that you can use to build your own personal exercise library.
My question is: would it be accurate to put down you've worked out for an hour, let's say, when a good portion of that is resting between sets?
(asdf)thats my question too... i went on this other site and it said vigorous burns twice as much as light/moderate effort...
why is light moderate calisthenics burn more calories than vigorous?
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